Zerzetsen VII

It has been suggested that the intelligence services have penetrated the press and my experience with the Guardian suggests to me that this is true. The real dab hands at censoring in the UK and Canada are
MI5/6 and CSIS. In British Journalism Review Vol. 11, No. 2, 2000, Mr. David

Leigh of the Guardian wrote - journalists are being manipulated by the

secret intelligence agencies, and I think we ought to try and put a stop to it.

Indeed the example of the persecution of Mr. Denis Lehane by the intelligence services (see page 19 & 20, item 8) suggests just quite how strong this censorship is. Mr. Lehane is a journalist; yet it seems that the press couldn’t protect one of their own. Why is the press so fearful of the intelligence services? Whatever happened to investigative reporting?

Just sticking with The Guardian. In 2002, they reported on famous publicist Max Clifford, under the headline: Journalism is bloody horrible, quoting him as saying -- I censor things as well For every story I break, I stop a dozen Im good at covering up anything I don’t want people to know. One is left with the impression that the Media is too easily censored.

Amnesty International (Canada)

Amnesty International in Canada were contacted in 2006 by 4 (yes, four) witnesses and made no attempt to investigate, even though some of their activists were bothered by Amnestys cowardice. They made no attempt to meet with us, talk to us, check any of the evidence or do anything whatsoever.

Their avoidance of this issue was amazing right from the start, AI stuck its head in the sand like an ostrich and refused to talk to anybody or look at any of the documentary evidence whatsoever.  As I told AI, it is clear that they will not look at any issue where the potential wrongdoers are the high Establishment - too close to their main funding sources perhaps. Yet my experience is not unique - others have reported similar failures from the UK & Canadian based human rights industry. Yes, they may check out a Cabinet Minister here and there, but not the real establishment. Attached for verification is a file of correspondence with Amnesty officials.
The letters can be viewed on  http://tinyurl.com/ZerzetsenAI-letters

Here is an example showing where CSIS frightened off one of our

Human Rights agencies (CHRC) on my issue.

Canadian Human Rights Commission & CSIS

On the advice of a Human Rights activist, I wrote to the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) bringing my complaint against CSIS to their attention. They phoned me at home on 11/8/2008 to discuss the case. I was not in and so their lady arranged with my wife that she would call back early that afternoon to talk to me. Her line number was 780.495.8680. She did not call back as she had arranged. Indeed I left innumerable messages and she never returned any of my calls. She had been frightened off our case.

Something had happened after that call to my wife that morning that caused her not to call back as she had wanted to do. Most likely CSIS who tap my phones (and would have heard CHRCs call to my wife) contacted CHRC and scared them off. On March 4, 2010 I posted this example of CSIS interfering with a human rights agency on former Ambassador Craig Murrays blog.
Later that afternoon my wife and I were both intimidated in Calgary. We have little doubt that it was because of my publicly commenting on a blog that CSIS had interfered with the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Is this Torture too Unfashionable for our Human

Rights Industry??

It does seem that the big battalions in our human rights industry divide torture into two categories:

1.  Fashionable torture, which they slaver over with righteous indignation, and
2.  Unfashionable torture that they ignore completely.

Of course the AIs of this world do some excellent work. It is after all fashionable to fight the CIA on War on Terror, Rendition, Guantanamo, Torture in the 3rd World, etc. . and issues like Burma and China offend no one in the West and are excellent for fund raising.

But it is unusual to find our human rights industry target our own intelligence services at home (MI5/6 & CSIS) to any great degree.  As others have commented, AI will not look at unfashionable human rights abuses in the UK or Canada where they may suspect that our own intelligence services at
home are the abusers.

There is no doubt that an issue like this one is a very unfashionable issue. How unfashionable? In 1993 Pierre Sane the then Secretary-General of Amnesty said that Governments are prepared to go to great lengths to cover up their crimes. So, they set up phony human rights institutions. Of course this does not suggest that these organizations are necessarily false flag operations. Indeed, according to Dr. Doves The Torture Report one (human rights) organization in the UK complained of being targeted by the British security services. This kind of harassment, plus the certain loss of government funding, is intended to keep human rights organizations 'in line'.

A sad reflection on our Human Rights Industry!!

To be successful,  ZERZETSEN  requires an OMERTA (silence) from the

Press and Human Rights Agencies, so that the victim has no help.

“Deference to the Authorities (toadying) is such a powerful practice today, that human rights organizations seem to conform to it. That is why in Don Quixote style our Human Rights industry tilts at the windmill of politically correct issues in order to justify their existence. Lions when dealing with Pinochet-types thousands of miles away, they are scared to deal with human rights issues that relate to their own elites at home.

A sad reflection on the state of our human rights industry (that just sums up my comments) was made by former AI Board member,  Francis Boyle, when he stated Amnesty International is primarily motivated not by human rights but by publicity. Second comes money. Third comes getting more members. Fourth, internal turf battles. And then finally, human rights

Recently, a senior fellow with the Hudson Institute, referring to Human Rights Watch complained -- "HRW has decided for many years to refuse to do the hard work of confronting human rights abusers who have powerful friends

The key is the phrase powerful friends.  When dealing with their own elites at home, OMERTA and hypocrisy rather than Human Rights becomes the order
of the day.  Zerzetsen would be impossible if we had an honest Human

Rights Industry.

There is no human rights organization in the UK or Canada to which victims of a Stasi-style Zerzetsen torture can turn to for help.

Chapter 7: Role of MI5/MI6 & CSIS Intelligence Agencies in Zerzetsen and Proof of their involvement in Zerzetsen torture in UK, and Canada

Look at all the following numbered points together. Each point has at least one source (some multiple sources) of corroborative evidence for verification purposes. Consider all the following points together, and look at the large pattern of abuse that they show. MI5, MI6 and CSIS have no possibility of plausible deniability

1.    Continuous telephone tapping, and call interference that could only happen through use of MI5 (CSIS) interception centers in Manchester, Yarm, Calgary. SEE below for clear evidence of MI5, CSIS telephone tapping.
2.    The Smear campaigns. Using the Big Lie technique a hallmark of MI5/6 & CSIS. Starting with the criminal defamation of 20 years ago, at least 4 lies have been professionally spread all different, all completely untrue (ref: Chapter 3 on Table of Contents - The Big Lie Strategy). Includes corrupting a junior judge to lend a false credibility to a smear (See chapter 3 & 4 of this Paper for details); Only the MI*s could do this.
3.    Proven cover-up by Minister Hazel Blears her ministerial responsibilities were MI5 and Special Branch (ref: Chapter 4 on Table of Contents).
4.    Threats to STOP me complaining to Hazel Blears on three occasions

(she headed up MI5, Special Branch) only she and her top officials knew about my complaints at the time the threats to stop me complaining were made. Clear evidence of MI5 involvement.
5.    Intimidation is too prolonged, sophisticated and costly for a crime gang acting alone. Estimated cost several million Dollars/Pounds a
hallmark of a taxpayer funded intelligence service. 10 years of

Zerzetsen threats wherever I go -- threats in West Vancouver, Calgary, London, Aberdeen, Birmingham, Manchester and Yarm.
6.    Calgary police identify Amys assailant as having had intelligence

operational training.

7.    Death threat caller Raymond refers to the security organization (or service) a known pseudonym for MI5.
8.    Numerous examples of highly sophisticated computer spying and

computer intimidation that links to other incidents of intimidation. A hallmark of MI5/6 & CSIS. Yes, some private companies could do this, but they are all staffed by former MI*s and often subcontracted close enough to be protected by the MI*s.
9.    A private eye confirms that MI5 has had a file on me for years, but

don’t have details. Why? Since they know about my complaints they would have dealt with them if MI5 were innocent. The private eye was frightened off the case.
10. Documentation proving cover-up mysteriously disappears from two

secure offices The Guardian, letter from editor confirms A Judges papers, Judge confirms. Documentation disappearance is a hallmark of MI5.
11. Precedent - Widely reported in UK press that MI5 have a history of using Stasi developed Zerzetsen tactics, with examples exactly what has happened to us. Reported in UK press that MI6 have a history of character assassination for their friends as happened to me. I know that Grosvenor used intelligence illegally to character assassinate at least one other who left their Vancouver office. I was there when it happened and protested internally. In 2007 reported in UK and US press that Duke of Westminster (Grosvenor Chairman) has boasted about his close connections to the MI*s (and CIA) see Chapter 2 for details
12. Bureaucratic Harassment massive 3rd party proof available. Shows

that intelligence services interfering with bureaucratic processes and systems to make things go wrong for me. (By coincidence I happen to

have expertise in large bureaucratic processes which is why I was able to develop so much 3rd party proof). Recently four Government agencies and two large private sector companies in Alberta, Canada have been affected. This proves an intelligence operation. Are the MI*s doing it themselves, or subcontracting to CSIS?
13. Investigations by four primary police departments and also by the IPCC, Manchester Police Internal Affairs, Home office, Crown Prosecutor were all stopped. At least 3 originally tried to investigate before being stopped. A Judge corrupted, and a Cabinet Minister. Home Office promised to investigate (in writing) and then was stopped. See Manchester Police report and my evidentiary comments (see Chapter 4 of this Paper for details and the link to the police report) for provable evidence of wrongdoing by police authorities. This
is the MI*s acting for the establishment since the politicians are scared

of them (of being smeared for a start).

14 Aggressive telephone tapping MI5 in UK, CSIS in Canada (MI5 started up CSIS) and ongoing interference with email and normal mail.

NOTE - Substantial sources of evidence exist to verify each of the above points. A list of this evidence has been provided to the police. Some of the points are backed by over 20 sources of corroborative evidence for verification.

Look at all the points together. Look at the pattern of abuse. The evidence is overwhelming. MI5, MI6 and CSIS have no possibility of plausible deniability

Prolonged Zerzetsen must have State involvement. The UK press has reported that some in MI5/6 consider their real reporting relationship to be the Monarchy, not the elected Government.  Former MI6 officer, Richard Tomlinson said: There is an arrogant faction in MI6 which doesnt try to hide dedication to the royal family.

Aggressive telephone tapping Further proof MI5, CSIS involved

I made a call from Manchester to my daughter then in Aberdeen that was critical of Grosvenor and was immediately threatened as was she the following day. This had happened before.  I had said things on the telephone and was harassed for doing so. So I knew my telephones were tapped at least in Yarm, Manchester, and Calgary and possibly everywhere else. I also knew that my phones were also being used for harassment in real time and were being managed by the criminals. But I couldn’t understand how they could technically do it.

Malcolm Kennedy sent me tapes of his experience. Everything he had experienced, I had experienced. They controlled his lines. (He got an interception centre employee to admit it on tape). His tape proves that calls were being routed through an MI5 interception centre where MI5 could control and interfere with incoming calls. This explained some of the odder things that have happened to me multiple times, which are:

1.  Incoming voice messages I don’t get Incoming calls to me that answer the caller with a fax tone, or with a message that this line is not in service. Or calls directed to a false voice mail that has no announcement (just silence), so the caller can’t leave a message. Sometimes incoming calls do get through to voicemail with my real voice on the answering message -- but its a false voicemail in an interception centre, and I don’t receive the message that the caller has left. Or I do get the message but the message has been wiped clean so that I can’t hear it. The techniques have varied.

2.  Numerous examples of Line interference or continuous clicking on the line after I said something that MI5/CSIS don’t like. MI5/CSIS want their victim to know they control his telephone as part of their intimidation program; they just don’t want outsiders to know it.

Chapter 8: Conclusion - Victim's Request for Help

This paper includes a blueprint on Corporate Terrorism and on the use of the  Zerzetsen Torture Technique in Canada and the UK to break individuals and destroy families.

Zerzetsen is a process of character assassination and threats developed by the former East German secret police The STASI to persecute dissidents its purpose is to poison every aspect of a person’s life. Today Zerzetsen is being used in the UK by MI5, MI6 and in Canada by CSIS.

In an article about the torture of a Canadian at the behest of CSIS in the Sudan, The Globe and Mail stated that This case exemplifies how morally confused  Canadian  authorities  have  become  ...Somehow,  human  rights have become viewed as an inconvenience,  and not as a legal obligation.” But, one doesn't have to look to the 3rd world to find proof of the complicity of CSIS in torture, and of our Government in a systemic cover-up conspiracy.

It is the involvement  of the Canadian State that turns these crimes into a
Human Rights issue, which is why they were brought through intermediaries to the attention of  Prime Minister Stephen Harper

What is it like to be a victim of Zerzetsen?

Well imagine this You did an excellent and honest job for a company, and yet were subjected to career destroying slanders after you left. You then began to get intimidated and harassed and your family is receiving death threats. You are under surveillance and your telephone is being tapped. You know that the owner of the company that slandered you is Prince Charless best friend.

You discover that the intelligence services were behind the slanders and the threats. You went to the Authorities for help, and they covered it up. You are now being threatened for complaining about the cover-up. That’s what has happened to us, and thats what this paper is about The Zerzetsen torture technique.

According to Burrell it would seem that even The Queen may be aware that something is wrong he is quoted as recalling her telling him in a private meeting Be careful, Paul. There are forces at work in this country about which we have no knowledge. Do you understand?

What does it say about the strength of our Democracy?

There are multiple eye-witnesses to support these allegations of threats and cover-up, and before speaking out I made every attempt to go through normal channels - police, politicians.

Are the politicians scared of Grosvenor, or of the Establishment, or just scared of their own intelligence services?

Rhisiart Gwilym so aptly summarized this in Media Lens when he wrote

Roderick Russell getting precious little help from anywhere, as the

Black Dogs of Animal Farm persecute him illegally.

Zerzetsen torture is not as uncommon as one thinks. On pages 17 to 20 is a description of other victims of Zerzetsen - a Company CEO, an award winning journalist, diplomats, and police officers. That CSIS can persecute a decent family for elements in the high establishment, and scare our government into a cover-up conspiracy is symptomatic of a crisis in our democracy.

Rule of Law in Canada whats that?

ZERZETSEN is about torture. This is a story of human rights abuses in 2 G8 countries - Canada & UK. As with most real human rights abuses, their governments and establishments are covering it up. There is sufficient corroborative evidence to prove Zerzetsen torture and a government cover- up conspiracy to the full criminal beyond a reasonable doubt standard several times over.

The Stasi-style Zerzetsen persecution described in this Paper could not happen in a real democracy.  Either there would be an honest investigation of the well-witnessed complaints I have made, or I would be prosecuted for making false accusations.

That Prime Minister Harper can allow an issue like this to be covered-up,

begs the question where else is the establishment pulling our governments chain? Human Rights and Civil Liberties seem unimportant to our Government. Some would call this neo-fascism.

It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph.

Edmund Burke

Nobody should be above the law. That our Politicians are scared to enforce

Rule of Law is symptomatic of a crisis in our democracy.

Roderick Russell

To review the executive summary of ZERZETSEN click here

(About Roderick Russell qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1974 and has served as Chief
Financial Officer of a well-known Resort and Hotel Company, and as Group Controller of a top
10  North  American  Commercial  Property  Investment  and  Development  Company  based  in

Vancouver. Married with three children, he is a Canadian & British Citizen)

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