Zerzetsen IV

Chapter 3: The Big Lie Strategy - Defamation & Slander (The 1st Zerzetsen). The Power of the Big Lie Technique

The other side of the Zerzetsen coin is The Big Lie Strategy - professionally done defamation and slander designed to impoverish their victims by rendering them unemployable, and designed to ostracize their victims from their professional associates all done with lies, and untruthful rumors. It is the Big Lies that do the initial damage. In fact the threats are to keep the executive victim from complaining about the lies.

The big lie technique is based on this premise That people will more readily believe a Big Lie, if it is big enough and if it is spread repeatedly, than they will believe the truth. The Daily Express disclosed that MI6 has a secret dirty tricks unit called I/OPS that is used to smear the good names of individuals.

A journalist, referring to the current persecution (by MI6?) of a former UK- Ambassador and whistleblower, describing Zersetzung quotes It's about manipulating people or groups of people by typical STASI methods (hearsay, gossip, lies, spreading rumors about someone the list goes on). There were 4 big lies professionally spread that I know of. They all fit within the pattern of the big lie technique.

Here are 3 of the big lies that were professionally spread to smear me

     The first Big Lie was a rumor spread (initially in Vancouver, Canada) that I was so incompetent at Grosvenor that I would damage any company that employed me. Apparently it came from all angles (i.e. professionally spread) so it had to be believed. Ironically not only had I done an excellent job, but am sitting on two good written references

from my bosses at Grosvenor their then Group Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive. Good references to my face and shafted behind my back. I still have these written references. In fact I have 18 excellent written references from senior executives I have worked
with. Since I can prove the opposite this lie dropped years ago; but by

then it had already destroyed my career.

     A second Big Lie that spread years later was that I had some sort of an association with an international drug dealer. Nothing specific; just a rumor initially told me by two London Head-hunters (possibly doing me a favor in telling me) who work for an offshoot of Egon Zehnder. I went to the Police, asked them to talk to the head-hunters, and then trace the lie back to its source. The police did nothing, but this lie dropped.

     The third Big Lie is that my complaints of intimidation are all a hoax, but that I genuinely believe them because I am a nut and they used a crooked Judge to lend a false appearance of credibility to this smear. Look at pages 43 to 45 to see details of this smear.  Also look at page
19, item 8 to see another case where MI5 / MI6 used this smear to

wrongly incarcerate award winning journalist Denis Lehane in a mental hospital  (his crime he was asked by MI5 / CIA to spy for them, and reported on it).

This particular smear was a well known Zerzetsen technique used by the Stasi when their other lies ran out of steam, since it locks the problem up without risking embarrassing disclosures that might come out in a court case. Please note that there are numerous independent
3rd party witnesses to some of the threats, and that recordings of telephone death threats are in police hands. There is also considerable
3rd party documentary proof of the cover-up conspiracy including the involvement of Hazel Blears, the UK Cabinet Minister then responsible for the MI5 Secret Police.

MI6 / CSIS Lies & SMEARS have a Dual Purpose

The purpose of the original smears was to impoverish me, by rendering me unemployable (so they were along the lines he is incompetent) ... and so it was for many years.

But smears of he is incompetent don’t provide sufficient justification for not investigating serious criminal offences, which is what Zerzetsen is. So MI5/6, CSIS had to think of something else. So the smear has to change to something along the lines of he is deranged to suggest that his complaints are all a hoax... is a common one they use. As Dr. L. Dove reports, victims of Zerzetsen will be accused of paranoia as a part of the actions taken against them by the security services.

This was standard STASI practice, as is described on Page 13 of this paper under the sub-heading Reservatio Mentalis and Smears.

But other derogatory rumors can also permeate the community. Some victims (not me, as far as I know) have had completely untruthful rumors of reprehensible sexual behavior; narcotic drug use; alcoholism; fraud, etc. float around behind their backs.

After a while one does not need a specific Big Lie to do the damage, since the SMEARS are coming from all angles and create a false smell about the victim that warns people off. Derogatory rumors about the victim seem to permeate the community; though they are a little like trying to nail jelly to a tree, because they are vague and when one tries to check them back to source, they dont lead anywhere.

One thinks: Where there is smoke, there must be fire no one considers that the smoke is entirely a manufactured defamation job.

What are the criteria for the Big Lie Strategy?

My experience shows that there are 3 criteria that need to be met for this strategy of deception to be successful

     The big lie has to be colossal literally a big lie. As Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, The Big Lie has to be so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously

     The big lie has to be professionally spread (multi-sourced) so that it comes from all angles and therefore has to be believed. Academic Stephen Dorril in his book MI6 writes that MI6s IOPS section uses tactics they call surfacing” (untruthful rumors) and double sourcing” (i.e. multi-sourced rumors) so that damaging lies are spread about their target victim from all directions. Dorril says that the MI*s have covert agents working deep undercover as bank executives, in accounting firms, and the press to help spread their lies.

     The big lie has to be confusing like sticking jelly to a tree it must be difficult to get a handle on details and therefore difficult to disprove. Anna Funder in her book Stasiland” reports that Zerzetsen includes targeted spreading of rumors about particular persons (i.e. multi- sourcing) and creating confusion over facts

But the psychology behind the smear side of the Zerzetsen coin is more complex than just the big lies themselves. It involves creating confusion over facts. Even if people believe your story, they will always think if I take this guy on will I be subjected to pressure from the intelligence services.

I can refute all the defamatory slanders if given the opportunity and show them up for what they are - a very sophisticated and evil MI6 / CSIS SMEAR operation

If one takes each slanderous rumor by itself in detail, I can easily disprove the rumor; then if you take all the disproved rumors together they just show a pattern of deceit, misinformation and CSIS, MI6 manufactured lies.

But Zerzetsen is also about Intimidation, Harassment and Threats so that victims are scared to speak out in their own defense. The formula used is  First to Threaten, Then to Cover-Up by Ensuring No Honest Investigation Takes Place, Then to Say You are Nuts when You Complain about the Cover-Up

Zerzetsen uses the Power of THE BIG LIE STRATEGY. Translating, one

German reporter defines the defamation side of Zersetzung (ZERZETSEN) as

It's about manipulating people or groups of people by typical STASI methods (hearsay, gossip, lies, spreading rumors about someone the list goes on).

As a former MI6 Officer said spooks excel at the lying game

Chapter 4: State Cover-up Conspiracy to
Pervert the Course of Justice

This Chapter describes the cover-up conspiracy in Canada and the UK. The purpose of the cover-up is to ensure that there is no investigation, as two governments are scared as to where an investigation might lead. Files showing documentary proof of cover-up are linked to this Chapter. Click on their URLs and see cover-up for yourself.

     The intent of the cover-up conspiracy is to pervert the course of justice by overriding Rule of Law in Canada and the UK -- Its purpose is to ensure that my Human Rights complaints are never investigated.
     The cover-up conspiracy is 100% verifiable from

independent 3rd party evidence alone. Some of the proof of cover-up is attached to this Paper; see for yourself.
     The cover-up is itself a Zerzetsen threat since the State is saying you are on your own; your enemies (MI5/6 and CSIS) are Above the Law and can act against you with impunity.

An Overview of the Government Cover-Up Conspiracy

Read the examples below to see a description of the cover-up, and if you want to examine some documentary proof then:

Click on this URL  http://tinyurl.com/ZerzetsenUKGovCover-up to see letters to/from Cabinet Ministers et al that prove a cover-up conspiracy in the  UK.

Click on this URL  http://tinyurl.com/ZerzetsenCanadaGovCover-up to see letters/emails re PM Harper et al that prove a cover-up conspiracy in Canada.

There are over 100 examples of 3rd party verifiable evidence that proves cover-up. Just look at 4 of them in summary:

1 - UK Cabinet Minister Hazel Blears/Police & Home Office

Look at:

http://tinyurl.com/ZerzetsenUKGovCover-up to see letters to/from Cabinet Ministers Hazel Blears et al, that prove a cover-up conspiracy in the UK. These letters were written in response to letters from a UK Member of Parliament who raised my issue and asked for an honest investigation into my complaints. Hazel Blears was then the Minister responsible for MI5 and Special Branch policing in the UK. These letters can be read in conjunction with the more detailed narrative in Section A below.

What the letters show is her determination not to investigate my complaint. Just compare her letters and look at her different excuses for not investigating. Actually all her written excuses are provably untrue. I was also being threatened by MI5 in an attempt to stop me from complaining to Minister Blears. Each time I complained I was threatened (look at page 2 of my letter dated October 14, 2005 for details of these threats). Minister Blears 4 written reasons (excuses) for not investigating all contradict each other.

Cover-Up is 100% provable from available 3rd party documentation alone.

In most cases the cover-up is just buck passing (ostrich disease), but such an extensive pattern of buck-passing.  In both the UK and Canada the buck- passing alone proves cover-up.

Investigations by four primary police departments, the IPCC, Manchester

Police Internal Affairs, Home office, Crown Prosecutor were all stopped. At

least 3 originally tried to investigate before being stopped.

2 - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Look at:

http://tinyurl.com/ZerzetsenCanadaGovCover-up  to see letters/emails re PM Harper et al that prove a cover-up conspiracy in Canada. Both the Zerzetsen slandering and threats began in Vancouver, Canada. My family and I fled to the UK only to find that the threats got worse. In summer 2006 I
was still in the UK, but my daughter had returned to Canada.

In summer 2006 my daughter was threatened, in connection with the Zerzetsen, while walking under the 8th Street Bridge in Downtown Calgary. The police determined, from his modus operendi, that her assailant had had operational intelligence training. My brother-in-law contacted the local MP who went into the usual cover-up mode. When I came back to Canada I contacted PM Harper asking for his assistance since the cover-up had clearly reached political levels in Canada.

It is the systemic involvement of the Canadian State (CSIS with Zerzetsen;  Canada’s  government  with  its  cover-up  conspiracy)  in these crimes that turn them into a serious human rights issue, and this  is  why  they  were  brought  to  the  attention  of  our  Head  of
Government, Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Meanwhile, possibly because I had contacted Prime Minister Harper, I was getting harassed and subjected to considerable bureaucratic harassment in Calgary, much of it out of Government Ministries.

The attached file of letters shows my complaints to Prime Minister Stephen

Harper and then Public Safety Minister Mr. Van Loan.

Most of the letters were transmitted by email, fax and mail to make sure

they got there. The May 6, 2008 letter and its attachments were delivered by hand to one of PM Harpers assistants who agreed to get it personally to him. I was subsequently told that there had been no action because Ottawa is so slow.

Prime Minister Harper is aware of the situation. Two governments at

top ministerial levels have placed toadying to the establishment ahead of rule of law. These threats started in Canada years ago. I fled to the UK where
they got worse, I returned to Canada where they continued again.

3 - MI5 smears using a crooked Judge to provide their smear with a false show of credibility

Deputy District Judge Jones, Manchester County Court. Case # 6MAO2655; Appeal # M6X086

Look at item C (Page 43), under the heading below "The Crooked English

Judge" and contrast it with the commentary under "Chapter 3, pages 26 to

30 - The Big Lie Strategy - Defamation & Slander It speaks for itself, note the smear (used to help promote a Big Lie) and note all the evidence that can be provided court approved transcript, detailed written submissions made to the court. This Judge deliberately assisted the MI*s with a smear campaign that he knew to be untrue. The appeal judge has not dealt with this issue it is still being covered up.

How did this happen? There are about 50 junior Judges in Manchester obviously MI5 ensured that the one they could corrupt was allocated to my case -- See section 3 below for details under the caption "The Crooked English Judge"

This particular smear was a well known Zerzetsen technique used by the Stasi when their other lies ran out of steam The formula is first to threaten, then to cover-up to ensure that no honest investigation takes place, then to say your nuts when you complain about the cover up -- This was standard STASI practice, as is described on Page 13 of this paper under the sub-heading Reservatio Mentalis and Smears.

Similar smears are quite commonly used against critiques of the Intelligence Agencies themselves, or of the royal family - and this issue may involve both. Go to page 19, Item 8 To see what MI5 did to Mr. Lehane.

Please note that there are numerous independent 3rd party witnesses to some of the threats, and that recordings of telephone death threats are in police hands. There is also considerable 3rd party documentary proof of the cover-up conspiracy including the involvement of Manchester MP Hazel Blears, the UK Cabinet Minister then responsible for the MI5 Secret Police (see Item C, below, for more details and proof).

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